Best smartphone under 20000
Sorry to ruin everyone's day, but I just want to remind you that this is going to be animated soon. so be prepared for the super Nika bros super show
Why doesn't Wano get the mass hate it very much deserves?
2 chapters into Elbaf and already fourth of this chart is filled out
Oda couldn’t stand the idea of namis tits not being out
Chapter 1127 is a masterclass in making the introduction to a long-awaited arc fall flat on its ass
well..... oda really lost it
Who is this spider just chilling on the floor!? Location - India. Sorry for the poor quality.
Do you find it funny? I find it garbage.
They’re already hyping up this fraud as if he isn’t about to get three shotted and be done with life 🤦♂️
Need suggestions for 60fps 1080p gaming pc under 60K rs
Thoughts on this Boi?
What did Goda mean by this?
Vegapunk slandering trend proves the intelligence issues of some of this sub users.
Wait what if this is true?
Today i shall remind you, why Ussop is the worst character
Monster Girls are superior
If your story has highly unrealistic concepts and yet pull realism just gatekeep certain groups from getting anything, then it's bullshit.
One Pisstards defending a pervert is wild
No one knew anything about Dragon, and yet he was probably a high ranking member of the navy for years. Another retcon by GODA?
The Funniest MemePiece meme
Zoro being romantic😂
What's Piratefolk's toughest challenge?
main subbers think the fake reveals/satire are real and they are loving it. Proof that they will eat everything Oda shits on their plate. He could deliver the most awful written chapter in existence and people would praise him for that.