I've never ran to settings so fast
Uploading it here because it got removed from the Monster Hunter Sub
This is insane
Tried painting my favorite full art!
You can't tell me this isn't the one of the hardest card arts in the game 😤🔥
It's wild how much negativity there is for a game with a 90 aggregate score and raving reviews
used to play on xbox, and got mhw on pc so I'm restarting, and I fired an SOS flare, and these 3 fashionable people showed up. i have no idea who they are, they absolutely demolished the quest.
2.2 character tags
I beat Arkveld solo!
What kind of setting do you want next for WuWa's regions?
What do you guys think about these kind of puzzles?
What is the best response to "I hate you"?
Told my girlfriend I caught it so she could sleep, but it's still at large.
Black ops 6 server locations!
Be honest, how many of these have you seen?
Ready for the new pack release!
And it was at this moment he realised….
30 battles later, I finally have it
What is this?
Imagine Shiny Pokémon cards existed in Pocket, what odds would you feel are fair to pull them?
You're a true legend and a winner if you've completed this mission.
If you look close enough, you may find something familiar...
Is this suppose to be a joke?
Just got Mew and I am so proud