How is CSC225 compared to CSC226
What colour variant is this Amazon copy?
Must Have Vinyls
Another Chinese Folklore LPSS post
Renewing license tomorrow! First time in BC. How long does it take? What steps are done in the office?
Does anybody know what happened in the cornett building?
ECE 355 - Looking for Study Tips
Yes, that was an earthquake
Midterm taking place outside of scheduled class time
Is CSC 305 hard
Please remember bus etiquette
Is the lab with the avr stuff opened during the weekends?
Is this a bootleg (fake) cd of Midnights late edition?
SENG co-ops
How feasible is it to do take engineering courses during a co-op term if you don’t get a job?
Violet Speak Now TV appreciation post
MARBLE MONDAY | Show off a marbled vinyl in your collection (or an ISO) in the comments!
Calculus 12
How come yellow cab is so unreliable?
Math Quiz and Covid
Police on campus
Anyone taken Astro 101? Any feedback?
Take math 109 over math 100, even if you did calc in high school
Class 5 license expired in 13 months after issuing
I need to get my Novice drivers licence early.