Outjerked Again
A humble proposal from the elite
Hot Racking on modern submarines
Challenge: Guess what country I'm playing as
relatively new to the navy and concerned about possibly making second class
Should Trump run for mayor of NYC after his presidency?
How Dare I Descend Into Darkness
Metrocard above ground
Possible error?
Okay, but you gotta get over it.
Drinkwater and Jizzmonte
You can't make a Tomlette without breaking some Gregs
Greg is the Most Unlikable Character on Mad Men
3rd Mississippi. Company G. Battle Of Franklin Tennessee. November 30th 1864.
No Water
Unmarked areas that are good for settling?
When r/okbuddydraper makes fun of your post on r/madmen, is it a privilege, like being picked on by Jimmy Barrett?
Somebody remind me why Don hugged Pete here? Was it because of his hairline?
Don and Leonard (spoilers)
Threw out my back and I can't walk
Is the nuke program available in the reserves?
I know cooler heads should prevail but am I the only one that wants to see this?
Why didn't Don hit that?
Prior Enlisted-> NRE or DIO Instructor
Early AM Q Train?
Recommendations for Work
What were they exactly doing to Nyssen while he was in prison and why? (That naked part)
Jobs Outside the US
Analog Gauges and Parallax
I agree