Thoughts on my perm?
Did my hair stylist do a good job?
my mom told me she would pay for the nosejob if i ever wanted one because i got my nose from her lol, do i do it?
My Male Rhinoplasty Simulation Photos - Seeking opinions/thoughts
I ruined my life at fucking 17
Why do Mexicans get Italian ancestry?
There's no way it's going to stay this way
Has anyone found a medication they can take along with Vyvanse for anxiety that doesn’t interfere with the effects?
That was seriously considered a series finale?
Jelinsky is a legend
How dare they make me finally care about Alice’s storyline?
Next Apex Legend is named "Cave"
Loba “Translocator” Dive Trail In-Game
Loba prestige finisher
Did my new barber mess up? Not feeling very good about this cut.
I haven’t cut my hair in a year.Should i cut it or grow more?
Do you fell more attractive after accutane?
People (with no acne) absolutely do not understand the power of clear skin
How does everyone feel about extracts?
Prestige Caustic finisher
Has anyone figured out a good Apex configuration for the new PS5 DualSense Edge controller?
DDOS protection for Diamond to Predator Lobbies now enabled
Ok but can I have some variants now please
Really? $70 for this?
Apex Legends "Eclipse" Season 15 Update - Discussion & Support Megathread