The Governor of Maryland
Kids a thoroughbred but madone those brains!
He wants to fuck her?
Call me a taxi.
Tony Soprano gets me so hot down deeehhrrrr
Why didn't Don hit that?
A piece of ass but fucking rude!
I fucked Livia in her nursing home
I pumped off to Minn Matrone
To cry like a woman?
Craziest Twist in the Show… When Horny Francis Impregnated Sally, Right?
Adios, you fuckin’ skank!
One weeks worth of vitamins for the wife and I.
Serious Question: Why is Jane Wickline funny?
What was her problem? Pretty unprofessional to show up on the first day of the job and cry like a little baby.
Note: Wickline died on the way back to her home planet
Boom boom
Sad when they go young like that
What the fuck was his problem?
Kansas City!
The wind blew this into my yard
Connie is dumb.
Where’s Sal?
Mad Men reunion on Landman