do you struggle with med compliance
What medicine saved your life?
how do i stop retroactive jealousy
What would be the perfect app for someone bipolar?
is your mania euphoric
Bipolar is the embarrassment illness
im soooo good and i dont have one of my meds
i was diagnosed bp2 and feel lonely, wanna speak to someone with bipolar.
how do you check yourself in the hospital?
Friend said I got the wrong side of my nose pierced?
Did anyone else go back to their rapist?
Can psychotic symptoms be a precursor to bipolar disorder?
has your bipolar ever been triggered by SSRIs?
Please help me find a name for this little guy
How do you stop ruminating on hurtful things people say?
Something happened tonight with my boyfriend
When do you know your manic episode is over?
Wat are your thoughts when people compare bipolar to other mental illness’s
how did you get disability
What do you do when your ham has passed?
Do you think bipolar can/has/will affect your academic and/career success?
im bipolar
how long until you realized
Can you show bipolar symptoms as a teen?
Do you take antipsychotics all year long?