He's back....with this 👀
Posting less? Or am I just panblocked
Cooch didn't spend Christmas in LA after all.....
Maybe Skeeven will get a visit from some ghosts this evening....
58 mins ago on the insta post with her photoshoot 🤢
I’d say the Shilton/Caboose train wreck is still a thing…
LOORA just said 'nobody likes an angry fart box' in a reel
I think Caboose and Skeevie are over.
Have a listen. I am thinking this is the big hit Hilton has been working on. And as a true narc he has embedded his voice in it.
newest video
Let's list all of Hilton's "I was put on earth to do this.." half finished projects/promises manic swings and rollercoaster rides
Is the honeymoon over already?
Just thought this pic needed to be its own post...
What do you think?
Holy shit balls Batman!
He has lost his shit and it is being reinforced by a girl who has lost hers also.
She is an absolute nut job … save the children! Seriously, he thinks (and we all know how unhinged he thinks) this is a ‘woman’ he wants to influence and be around his kids? Laura needs a reality check right now.
Guess who’s back creeping on girls?
Hilton is off his face … and prior to the ‘release’ of his new ‘Bimbo Doll’ as she calls herself he rabbited on about how awesome he and Laura are/were.
The Cat's outta the bag...
Reddit receipt
Now he is pandering to the religious now?
Peep 👁 his mad post about his eye stye on fb 'reels'.
Almost perfect job. School cafeteria worker.
This is America