The Time of Judgement
Think I'm just not ready to be "fully" Christian. I want more peace of mind.
Are The Rumors True?
how to not idolize strong desires?
About Homophobia
I have decided to detransition.
Nueva Jerusalén
How do you Intepret Deuteronomy 22:5?
When you masturbate, do you take off cross necklace?
The Third Temple
YWHW Has Redeemed His Servant Jacob
Do you believe in numbers? Is it a sin to believe in numbers?
La Nouvelle Jérusalem
What is love being a Christian? Do I accept every time my husband cheats on him because of what the Bible teaches?
The New Jerusalem/La Nouvelle Jérusalem
The New Jerusalem
Just a Repost. Disclaimer: This is not mine.
Another hate crime
Why has God forsaken me.
Do you masturbate?
I was thinking about becoming a Christian, but I am second guessing now. I need a guidance.
We will forever be grateful to KookieStar_22 for creating this world-changing meme
You’re not a real Christian if you’re okay with Satanism.
It kinda makes me angry how atheists don't even listen