Range and favorite snacks/meals?
Daily small victories thread Thursday
When did you feel your baby first move?
Diagnosed today with gestational diabetes
Feel dumb asking this, but are low numbers a concern?
Post Kids anyone else just stop drinking?
Was anyone actually able to keep it a secret until 12 weeks?
Good breakfast idea
What are you drinking besides water?
Need reassurance about glucometer poking
Refusing care for GD
Daily griping thread Tuesday
“Bad” Fasting sugars / what was your birth outcome?
Failed 1 hour test…
Officially getting induced 37 weeks
Getting a little worried about my baby’s position
Stop forcing food on pregnant women!
NIPT Reports Should be Available to The Pregnant Person
What’s your “mom guilt”?
I’m struggling
What are weird things you can eat and get away with?
Sad over gender of baby
Gestional Diabetes
Will not go past 38W