I'm thinking about starting an Egan School
Egan Education
Starting an Egan High School
Australian Bilateral Visa Waiver
Seville bike shops for a Surly
[spoilers campaign 3] (kinda) What was the boxing exhaustion mechanic Daddy used once?
#326 AI & Information Integrity
Was it worth having Andreesson on?
#323 Science & Survival
#305 — Moral Knowledge
Anyone have experience with the Teach for Australia program?
For those on satellite NBN 👍🏽
Do you listen to Hardcore History for the events, the figures, the drama, or the deep questions?
I work at a public school and we receive minutes from Skype meetings between principals and the Department of Education secretary, Tim Bullard and I'm more than a little concerned.
Growing up boys are told how to treat girls but girls aren’t taught how to treat boys
At last some colour! A very late season in here, finally getting some ripening.
Living in Queenstown questions
Future Podcast Suggestions?
Any teachers out there?
u/sunagainstgold critiques Steven Pinker's 'Better Angels of Our Nature' and 'Enlightenment Now'
CMV: if your friend texts while driving you should pressure them to stop
I have the new short rest but no episode?!
Best Podcast app for The Short Rest (Android) [NS]
Calmer Cafe isn't coming up on Google maps or search for me any more. Did those pesky VCE students get it removed?