when you see who your ex really is
when your ex shows you who they really are
Stupidest Things Your DA/FA called out when “flaw finding”
You don’t want an avoidant back. You deserve a healed, secure version of them.
Payment method not working, can’t use App Store
I received a compliment from my wife that blew me away
Got my FB account back after the linked Instagram exploit!
Closure talk today has me (32F) full of Rage towards him (28M)
6 Months Since Breakup- 32F, 28M; Coping with grief and ex's new realizations
Healing abandonment wounding; 32F, 28M Breakup
6 Months Since The Breakup- 32F, 28M; Coping with loss and ex's new realizations
32F seeking advice and support about bipolar mom
healing abandonment wounds
Bipolar parents: how old were your children when you told them about your illness?
How do I stop blaming myself?? Partner (28M) not at ALL who I (32F) thought he was. 3 Weeks No Contact
How do I stop blaming myself?? Partner (28M) not at ALL who I (32F) thought he was
I need help moving on from an almost 2 year relationship. I am really struggling.
Recovering from "I don't love you anymore" + slow-fade breakup
"I lost feelings for you" breakup is such BS
Genuine Attraction or is my anxious attachment just not activated?
Relationship with him (28M) wasn’t as amazing as I (32F) thought