Tesla Cherry Hill
100 Straight vs Jones Stock Adjuster
Over a hundred years’ difference in handgun design.
Current state of the collection
Took a chance and made the best of a rainy Saturday. Outdoor55 recommended.
Buying, Selling, Keeping - How do you decide?
Has anyone actually seen a video of Ozzy speaking/existing recently?
What other bands or musician will join?
688 *pic*
new S&W 617 already acting up
It’s SHTF and you can only take one…
Culver’s is better than In-N-Out and … and … Whataburger
What makes your coffee ritual so special?
Suggestions to sell cookbook collection
A QC Disaster - The New Smith & Wesson Model 36 Classic (No Lock)
When was the first time you seen W.A.S.P. Live ?
Bornaghi Ammo from Able's
Great workmanship on matching the Grain wrap.
S&W Model 25-5 .45 Colt
Cold Proofing - Covered, Uncovered, and Hybrid
Advent Game - The gift that keeps giving.
Finally trying out the Magic Bore.
Am I crazy or is this fatty to the point of not really being worth it?
NJ townhouse, built 1976