French doors painted black what to do about white bleeding through the glass.
Girlfriend pregnant
We have the plainest plain brick box on the street. I would love to see y'all think I can do to cheer it up.
Nudity problem
Are we about to make the biggest financial mistake of our lives? $693k loan @ 7.37%
Most economical Sherwin Williams choice
What do you call your WIFI network?
Should I get rid of all my journals?
Current snowfall prediction
Band name for white men that sound gay but aren't
How do you stop family members from using the F bomb in front of the kids ?
How do you stop fam6 members from using the F bomb in front of my kids ?
Door sensor will not pair to hub
Water smells like rotten eggs
Preparing to paint my house. Is there a good product such as a sealant perhaps to use on the bottom portion of this wood siding? The mulch/soil level was too high which resulted in rot on the very bottom.
Time till treatment for brachytherapy
Mother’s fridge/freezer has been icing to the point where it’s pushing the doors forward and won’t close. I’m wondering how dangerous this is please?
New member, boo.
Caught my wife , need advice please
How Do You Deal with Being Old?
I’ve (F25) found shit stains in my boyfriend’s (M28) underwear multiple times... how do I approach this without causing tension?
Thailand giants
Movies that emotionally affected you long after watching?
BNB hot tub…should I be worried??