Saw this on X/Twitter...
Eliminate one Valkyrie Design the rest stay.
Raven Team Leader. [League Of Legends] (BabyMoonart)
Like the TMNT, love me some cheese pizza!
Cheesiest pizza in town?
James and Jessie [Pokemon] (kiahl)
It's been months, and finally...
BeyTok is gone... I was only able to save a handful of vids
Turtles x April (DeDX) [Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003]
So what could have happened to Acrobatic-Silky's daughter?
First try displaying my TLS IDW collection
I started on Baxter Stockmans new Spider walker
She knows how to move it, sexy twerk
Yall opinion about Sub vs Dub
You have been blessed by the bey Gods, you can now do ANY anime move irl. What you picking? imo dead cannon is just crazy
Who would win in a 4 way battle
Cringe or Cool?
12 year differences
All these years later how do you feel about about ash losing kalos?
Powerful Upperclass Bladers
Which ability would you choose to have in real life?
What’s your hot take about the masters 8 tournament?
People often say burst is realistic but what’s the most unrealistic thing about it compared to to the past generation?
Is YEET the best catchphrase