Fired due to background check
Thoughts on bringing guests?
Not eligible for a refund ???
My girlfriend - complete personality shift due to SM- how to help, psychiatrists don't understand
Worst nightmare
I feel like doctors are gaslighting me about withdrawal effects
What is a time that impractical Jokers went too far
People who sell their bodies or people who’ve just had sex with a few people make me feel uncomfortable in a way.
Why you have to care about humanity?
The women who marry prisoners
Break addiction through curiosity, not self sabotaging or punishment
Confidence has been shot so Just be honest 22 M
M18, just feeling ugly because no girls like me at all (I’ve tried trust me) I feel like it might be because I’m just ugly
Horrified by what I am.
Is dove clasic fine for teenage boys?
I wish a cute girl was burping in my ear
How do I tell my boyfriend of my kink?
What caused this entirely new smell?
Construction workers, do you find it weird if people show up with their kids to watch?
When people use “yt” instead of saying white
Tips to convince my partner to be more hygienic?
Little victories
Denied at new jobsite for felony
Frustrated with client