Why were the British able to successfully conquer almost all of India but not able to do the same with China?
Oslos mest kriminelle gutt siktet på nytt: «Fire menn skal voldta datteren din»
People say you shouldn’t force yourself into hobbies you don’t enjoy but I don’t enjoy any hobby I try.
In your vision, why latin-americans suffer many xenophobia and prejudice in North-America, Europe and Asia (regardless of whether the skin is white or black)?
Perdí el laburo ¿Tengo esperanza?
Is Peronism a form of fascism? If it is, would that make Argentina's current government fascist?
El FMI le prestará USD 20.000 millones a la Argentina, según un informe de un banco internacional
What is your favorite nation?
Europe joined nuclear non-proliferation treaty and agreed to keep its arsenal small on the assumption that the US would be its ally. It is time to withdraw and expand.
S'engager en étant français
Calling it the Gulf of Mexico isn’t deadnaming it, for the last god damn time.
La violencia engendra violencia, mujer destrozo stand de afiliacion de LLA mientras les decia "nazis de mierda" Yo nunca vi cosa igual, la sociedad esta mas polarizada y radicalizada que nunca
De ti stadiene av folkemord - Dr. Stanton
I'm playing as Saluzzo, and I've just surrendered to Venice after my French allies betrayed me by not joining the war, so I gave up without fighting. Is there any way to defeat Venice?
Which 2 countries are human players?
Which of the big nations is the most fun?
Attack in Munich: the suspect was neither known to the police, nor facing expulsion from the country
Zimbabwean paedophile allowed to stay in UK because he would face 'hostility' back home
There should be an option to rename bodies of water that you (mostly) control.
Which is the country that gets dogpiled the most?
I have never seen a country as beautiful as this before. Iceland is like an alien world.
Has racism become more rampant?
How much is Reddit like real life?
Finished world conquest, now I can move on with my life.
We were just lying face down on random things.