Introducing... Foxhole Geoguessr
Official Update 60 Dev Q&A thread
So. hows the new Nemesis Armored Car. Was it something that fills the colonial niche? or it competes with LTDs
World Conquest Data Post-Asymmetry (Update 0.42)
World Conquest Data
Make the weather station great
Who was the TAC crew that slaughtered the Sons of Larry bike gang on Tuesday night?
Entrance hidden by submarine and gunboats
pErFecTlY bAlAncEd
SURPRISE FOXHOLE EXAM (99% of vets will fail this)
Winning or losing, some things stay the same
GG wardens u win for now >:3
Foxhole Stats Betting?!...
day 6 - the most upvoted comment will get to choose what will be added to the map next! (sfw)
11e Facility has just been killed for the first time since 1.0 (when it hasnt become a frontline). And it is to the most abhorrently blatant alting I have ever seen in this game.
Congrats to the second ever colonial submarine in Ash Fields!
Cool gameplay collies
I thought AT bunkers were supposed to retaliate against tripods. Fissura bug?
Just flank bro
Why does Jade Cove have a neutral town and not Endless Shore?
The true battleship abbreviation
Official Naval Warfare Dev Q&A thread
Why is the warden population higher almost every war ?