[discussion] What were y'alls first 4 Ubers? I'll go first:
[CATS] could anyone craft up a 'best' generalist team i could use? i have most cats.. just thinking about what yall have in mind :)
Grinding catseyes is a [Fluff] ing pain
[Discussion] What would you change about this Tierlist? (Not Mine)
these fuckin mods man
[Fluff] So with the whole thing with the hacker flexing their hacked acc and trying to play it as real, let's see people's officer's club and three units that you're the most proud of.
[Fluff] As a returned player, Courier makes me mad
I apologize for calling out the cheater. Can we move on? [Discussion]
[Discussion] what is your first Uber Super Rare cat? i'd start
How [fluff]ing far have y'all got through cat claw dojo
[Fluff] it, what's the most insane thing on your account
Finally korea gets some [fluff]ing power creep🥳
Guys I [fluff] in noticed Angel fanboy is metal?
oh my [fluff]ing god finally
What [fluff]ING Uber rare in the battle cats is like the goat LeBron
How are we feeling about 'Extra Money' cats? [Discussion]
[Weekly] Battlecats Thread
[Fluff] Remake of my crappy tier list- (ranking based on how good their abilities are against red [cats chosen based on cats I currently have])
I think I might be uber carried guys☹️ [fluff]
Favourite Underrated cat? I'll start [fluff]
Alrighty, explain these two in one sentence.[fluff]
[fan-made] metal/sage master. A
[fluff] Who do you think is the best uber specialist?
Dark catseyes [fluff]