A bear den?
Sometimes, when I do free roaming and think of the game characters's personal stories, I think of this song.
My eye doctor prescribed a vitamin called Vitrex for my condition and told me to use it for six months. I've been taking it for three months, but I haven't noticed any changes. Do you think should I contunie?
Colleghe che non bussano alla porta del bagno
Inizio a non fidarmi dei medici
Floaters subside new ones come?
How do you imagine Delilah's look?
Italian Diaspora
I watched a full play through :( and know what happens should I still get it?
What color profile can I set that's the same as not using a color profile?
Do items despawn
Quand'è che siamo diventati così
Ci pensate che noi siamo le ultime persone ad essere nate prima dei cellulari?
Il tasto apri comunque non funziona
Please help, how do I change this weird date?
mi è appena esplosa una lampadina in testa, da spenta.
We talk a lot about the ending. Let's talk about the beginning.
A kos in Grecia
I Feel Like Intel & AMD Macs are Better Than The M Series Macs
oggi mi è successa una cosa strana con mio padre e non so che fare
What is it with Italians and their staring?!
Collega svogliato e che lavora male, che fare?
I’m a bit confused
found this in the stanley parable. craziest part is the stanley parable came out 3 years before firewatch and was made by a different company