Where/who is the cheapest place/person to buy gingerscope from? preferably under 100$ CAD
I thought we got rid of these bots back in 2022 but yet here we are...
is this true
Pause what?! 😭
What Mel song got you like this?
I'm bored, so vote out your least favorite song. Tell me if I'm missing one and I'll add it.
let a Christian girl rate your avatar (and I will follow my religion so if I see something that goes against my religion. I'll probs let you know but not in a rude/harsh way!)
Lf: Hallow Set. Offering: EW Scythe
Guys, suggest some good names for Matt's baby, (I'll send it to him) (Image Unrelated)
i'm so dumb lol 😂
Got my nails done with hh characters (Angel, Husk, Niffty, and KeeKee)
Alright its our turn, describe a dragon poorly.
Can I just stop being demiromantic!?
I will write everyone's usernames on this paper and then color it with thier LGBTQ flags
This was at my work place
Copy cat won! (suprisingly) Now day 13: Most underrated album/ep! The most upvoted awnser will win! 🩷 (read rules in body text!)
I'm sorry, WHAT? Why are the 5 year olds searching camping tips up? 😭
Orange Juice won! Now day 12: Best collaborator! The most upvoted awnser will win! 🩷 (read rules in body text!)
LF GOOD OFFERS (read desc!!!)
I've been scammed in the dumbest way possible and I can't believe I didn't realize it
answering comments on the rainforest winter au, pt 2. leave questions in the comments
Wow, what a great vid- WTF IS IN THE COMMENTS?!?
November What Editing Software should I use?