How the hell did y'all walk around with Discmen???
Got a discman from my dad and Igor is the first thing I played
Tłusty czwartek, czyli bingo w social mediach
(USA) How long did you "train" for before you were considered a fully functional employee??
Curbside will still be turned on because they dgaf (USA)
(FRA) Have you ever said "Sir/Ma'am, this is a McDonald's" to a customer?
(USA) How long are y’all’s shifts?
Biggest pet peeves? (USA)
(USA) what's your personal favorite way to get a McDouble?
What was the most annoying promo to deal with? (USA)
„Starsza osoba zaczęła się domagać konkretnego miejsca, mimo że obok były wolne”
Name a better study combo
How many mistakes before you’re fired? (AUS)
How many times do you poo in a day?
(Ire) what are you guys doing for the drive times
What rep ranges do you guys gravitate towards? (Hypertrophy)
Write how you say Gkmc in your language
Is it ok to not like barbells and dumbbells?
Do you guys not move your snus pouch around?
Got my first jjk tattoo(made by my dad)
The world would be a better place if we had no individuality
(USA) Ruined it for everyone.
Coworker drew a dick on my coffee lol(POL)