We have custom emotes now!
Say what superpower you want and I'll give it an annoying disadvantage
Day 16 of Random Encounters (catch up is taking a while)
Day 12 of Random Encounters (till I learn how to code)
Yall really need to chill, it’s not that serious.
Day 11 of Random Encounters(till I learn how to code)
Day 9 of Random Encounters (till I learn how to code)
I'm just asking ???
The last game you played is now your life. How fucked are you?
Day 8 of Random Encounters (till I learn how to code)
Don’t get false expectations from seeing all these people getting god packs. This was the only „hit“
Anyone else collect a specific Pokémon?
My 15y old brother tattooed this on me.
What did you say to make me smile?
Day 7 of Random Encounters (till I figure out how to code)
You're allowed to do anything..
Did you ever wanted to quit streaming❓IF YES, why?
Day 6 of Random Encounters (till I learn how to code)
What’s your move?
Who's the one character you leave in camp and why?
What was the first video you watched on YouTube?
Day 5 of Random Encounters (till I figure out how to code)
I'm not a scalper, I'm a Poke "investor."
Day 1 of Random Encounters (the series)
Favourite youtuber under 100k subscribers?