Sadcat's vet visit did NOT go well - there's too much to cover, so I made a video going over it all. We will be going back next Friday, but this time, under the effects of Gabapentin lol.
Sadcat is on his way to the vet for round 2 of vaccines, and more! I'll make an update with the outcome of his trip!
Broccoli Cheddar the mighty hunter
Stealth Camping 🤫
What type of guitar do I use most?
Trying to work out some of Sadcat's energy! He destroys the feathers on these things like nothing else - this might explain the feathers I've found near the porch when he was living outside.
Sadcat meows at the backdoor, but is hesitant to step back outside. I've done this test multiple times now - he sniffs for a minute then comes back in.
Sadcat's learning to respond to his name! Also, he meowed nicely instead of lashing out for attention!
Sadcat is still a bit aggressive, I managed to catch it on video this time. This is why I wear tall rubber boots, and thick overalls.
Operation "trick Sadcat into liking his carrier" is going swimmingly! Also, livestream Q&A info is within this post!
Knolled my bag I bring to my eating disorder treatment center
New York legislation passed in January 2025
Pregnant stray?
Sadcat, I promise this should be the last day of contractors making a ruckus in the house!
What’s in my bag
Mista White 🤠
Just brought this board from the 90's back to life. Feels good with the newer wheels.
Trying to teach Sadcat how to play with his toys!
Broccoli Cheddar is over here breaking hearts
I am having trouble resisting the urge to pet Sadcat's belly. He's soooo soft, I can't imagine what that glorious belly feels like. Maybe someday!
Ayo anybody got a 3ds charger I can borrow?
The ponds at mendon park are frozen enough to walk on right now
Donut Shop Coffee from CostCo, 1 Year Ago Vs Today
What's your favorite BAD Warframe?
Wegmans Upgrading Their Scan & Go Carts