My market place is broken.
Tried to draw this too... THEY LOOK SO WEIRD:(
Sans has something EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to say!
Germans protesting the far right. Tens of thousands of them. Americans take note.
Ok is it me, or the game looks like cult of the lamb ?
If you were trapped underground and had to live in one of these locations, where would you stay?
Whats song y'all listening?
If you speak another language, in which language do you prefer reading translated books and why?
How to handle a book recommendation you aren't enjoying?
What’s are the best and worst books social media introduced you to?
After finishing a book, do you jump right into another book or wait a while?
Has anyone cracked the code in Ford's letter on the website?
Whats the hardest line in any PJO book?
Bro how cute is he 1-10
Is Asgore a good or bad person?
Do you prefer to show your console’s battery % or not?
Animal Crossing vs Pokémon.