New Deck Got STOLEN in transit from UPS man
Need endgame advise
Does anyone else want a 6th slot for your team?
Anti-Nazi Group Vows To ‘Inflict Physical Damage’ On Teslas Starting Today
I've been RA for almost 4 months and still struggling with the schedule and other things
So tired of breakfast..
should i know more?
Big Q price
At least my mount is faster now...
Is the meatball sub a pain to make?
Best way to get vixy in bulk?
2025 calendar issue with leap year
If you want to breed multiple Pals with perfect skills, is it better to have parents with full perfect passives or just two passives each?
Bonus picks are hilariously bad
You guys have been good to me, I think you deserve a little treat [OC]
Will this kill me?
Today a coworker died, emails went out... and his job got listed.
The wonder pick event having the regular version of the cards in the picks is unbelievably stupid.
Some truth
Looking for ideas for Pokemon that trainers would abandon
Every time I try to build a house, it ends up looking weird or bad to me. What should I work on or include in my builds?
Why does over night shift damage the body if in ideal circumstances you’re still getting your 8 hours of sleep just in the morning instead ?
I Tried