Why can't cows wear flip-flops?
My Labrador ate the engagement ring I was going to propose to my girlfriend with.
I was told do what you love and money will follow. So...
How do we know that Christa McAuliffe had dandruff?
Black coffee
I just got a western termite as a pet. I have named it Clint.
What do you call a farm yard fowl that can multiply?
What did the snail say to the slug?
Why do Americans still say ‘people of color’?
I’m addicted to masturbating
Why do seagulls fly over the ocean?
3 kinds of people
What was the fletchers favorite band?
Did you know that Phil Swift, the guy in the Flex Seal tape ads, has people who stalk him for autographs and selfies?
What did Diddy say when he slid off the bed?
Why don’t clouds ever break up?
My wife and I were arguing as to whose turn it was to do the laundry.
What do you call a deaf donkey?
Why was 6 afraid of 7?
Johnny was a scientist
Did you hear about the library that fell into the ocean?