Mimi Sentry Dakimakura Front (@Dakooo_sito)
Mimi Sentry Dakimakura (@Dakooo_sito)
Got a random package in the mail, and it gave me this. I'm a pretty new player. What do?
The Scout gets ambushed by a little blue assassin...
Sensei on Christmas (Yuuka by JAZZ/副官/@m5eistr913)
Engineer sent a special little assassin to take out Scout...
Donald Trump’s FINAL political rally
I could cry. Called it in my CC before I opened the casket too
A cute beach selfie with Sensei (Shizuko, FemSensei) [@sifserf]
A cute beach selfie. (Shizuko, FemSensei) [@sifserf]
A sneaky beach selfie! (Asuna, FemSensei) [@Konan_exe]
[Runelite Help] Why is there this microphone and arrow symbol on some of my Runelite options? Some tool-tip pop up I cannot read because this covers them too.
[ Removed by Reddit ]
The last four US presidents and their spouses
Kuroko trying out a new dress [Shiroko Terror by @Yukiaka_]
Drop some Blue Archive Hottakes
[JP] (Pickup Recruitment) 3★ Fubuki (Swimsuit) [June 26 - July 10, 2024]
What's your favorite L2D?
My opinion of YOU based on who your favourite student is, part 2
Scarlenza and Scala performing for you (Novenine)
I am having way too much fun with the Momochat AI App.
Ohhh they're white..
Daily Questions Megathread February 03, 2024
Himari OK (@Waero_Re)
this is the main image when searching duke on google. well done, gamers 👍