Cite um álbum MUITO influente
maybe i could find frens who listen to similar stuff?
Songs that reference themselves (i.e. "this song") in the lyrics
Your favorite albums
Recommend me some albums to listen to!!
how compatible are we?
Ok fine I'll do it, compatibility check
Following the trend, how compatible are we?
compatibility game
What’s Queen’s heaviest song?
If you could be in the studio with Queen and witness the creation of an album, which would it be?
Compatibility Quiz
Anyone noticed how she changes her lyrics when performing live?
Compatibility Check
Give me an artist and i'll tell you how many times i've scrobbled them
give me your all time favourite songs and ill listen to them all
Lets check our compability (pop fan)
My account is officially 3 :'), what's our compatibility?
I need REAL "Fuck you!" songs, none of this wimpy bullshit!
The last song you listened to is now the national anthem of your country. What song is it?
Which Star Wars character are you reviving?
Which The Shadowhunters Chronicles character are you reviving?
Even with all the DOTs I still managed to lose lol
What's the most musically beautiful song ever?