Autumn stroll in the city
“Just a small bite”, pen and ink, 5x7
California Redwood, Pen and Ink, Me
A friend encouraged me to post this here, I hope people like it!
Curious Moose, Water Color, 5x7, me!
El Cap, Me, Pen and Ink, 5x7
Jay, Pend and Ink, 5x7
Fallen Coastal Redwood, Me, 8x10, Pen and Ink
Finished! I lightened the painting and corrected the values. Thank you for the suggestions! :) -Acrylic paint
Fallen Sparrow, me, Pen and Ink, 5x7
A 3 hour portrait sketch done from a live model
Big Horn, me, Watercolor, 5x7
A tattoo design I made for a friend a couple years back
Sierra Nevada Mountains
Mount Whitney