Playing one game until completion
What is the most overrated game you've played?
When is the best time to buy video games for a console that's being phased out?
As a gamer. What's the first thing that comes to mind when seeing this picture?
what games should i play
Is it just me or Original had better conclusion than Royal?
Whats the difference?
Is he stupid?
Should i restart P3R?
So about Riku in 358/2
Persona women with endless appetite
I made a heartless burnt page
Upcoming Flight
any philosophical game recommendations?
How long did it take you to realise this?
As a gamer human how does this image affect your perception of society?
Need Game Recommendations
As a person who has played video games. What feelings does this picture invoke?
Game suggestions?
Should I feel guitly for playing video games in my break from high school?
So is James.....
Whats the most disappointing game you ever played?
Help Me Find a Game
Whats your top 10 video games?
Wait so....