/r/PTCGP Trading Post
Is Ukyo good enough to be a part of 5 main protagonists?
Best Technology in the Series?
Who jams the hardest here?
Has anyone found a good deck using this guy? Is he viable at all?
Nathan didn't have any food in his house, why?
Crazy Game Mechanic (or Bug)
You can add ONE card from the opposite side to your deck. It's treated like a Plant/Zombie and costs Sun/Brains respectively, and all abilities that affect Plants/Zombies properly swap. Who're you picking?
Pick a Hero and tell an iconic duo of cards only that Hero can use. I'll Start
TREE SYNERGY!?!?!??!?!!
How seriously you grind your pokemon?
Choose a perk, but if you choose top three voted your toes will be extracted.
Survey: How much HP would Snorlax need to have before you would consider putting it in a deck?
Why is starting second SO unbalanced?
Name him please!
What ability would you give to Vanilla to make it good?
The building is on fire and everyone has to evacuate in alphabetical order, how cooked are you?
Superpowers I think that need to be changed/buffed
What's your favourite dish between these?
What card/deck/tribe will have the best synergy with this card?
I've never seen that much blockbuster value
What's your F-response when scared/threatened?
I was told I can't leave until I post
Which Fictional Martial Art Technique Would You Want to have?
Have you had Sex yet?