GME near to wake up!
New to MTG Commander, help me pls lmfao
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C’mon apes, you are better than this
There are specific Reps who led investigation into GME who recently voiced sheer terror at the SEC being investigated and specifically CAT data being released because it could cause, "the collapse of our financial markets." ... and Superstonk is banning this story bEcAuSe It'S tOo PoLiTiCaL
My Custom Count Orlok [Nosferatu 2024]
Heart surgery successful. Ready for MOASS LFG!!!!
Custom batman begins completed
We are here, ladies and gentlemen. When market burns 🔥, something else will go 💥.
“This is the most dedicated investor base of one company that cannot be divided”
Petition to ban all Twitter links - with exception for RC, LC & DFV (but screenshots ONLY with context).
Are Purple Circles Still on the Menu?
“You must be Harvey’s squeeze”
[WotC Article] What Is the Secret Lair Chaos Vault?
Realistically what do y’all think we are gonna get?
Mögt ihr diese Batman Begins Figur aus 2022? / Do you guys like this Batman Begins Figure from 2022?
Best draft boxes?
Does someone know how the final fantasy magic the gathering sets are going to be??
Good Vampire Deck Cards
The Flash Batfleck mouthplates compatible with Batman 2.0
My 2025 Top 10 Films WW predictions: Thoughts?
Today’s arrivals! HT Cyborg and EXO-6 Captain Picard
Final Inart Joker from their unboxing video 🫣
if i have a black-white creature, will this give it 2 +1/+1 counters?
Artisan Joker charging soon from sideshow. Got the email about 20 min ago