Old Stardew vs New Stardew 🌿
The Scroop - Day 431
Over 400 Years Of Battletech History Comes Home In One Single Book
Private jet causes Southwest to go around at Midway today. It crossed the runway while Southwest was landing.
Not gonna lie, this one's my favorite
Empire Builder passing through St. Paul
[Homemade] Maxwell street polish
Pirate Software is a collie, and slanders the warden faction. Disaster
[homemade] Beef bowls!
What is milkinsideabagofmilk
Is AMT a good career?
What do these all have in common?
24, night shift mechanic. My first apartment after 6 months. How'd I do?
"This time table is not being auto separated because there is only 1 vehicle" - what am I missing here?
This feels like a really dumb question but how do you make the media player more compact? If it's possible. I can't for the life of me figure out how
Talk me out of an Xperia 1 V?
Good 'ol A320 CRTs
Alternative games for Foxhole addicted players
Aviation can't catch a break...
It all makes sense now doesn't it
Airplane crash in São Paulo
So, my friend Rossy, just got done with a cute bit
Hunchback IIC, good, bad or awful?
Finally got my apartment garage the way I like it