26f daily stack. Trying to stay consistent and not drink heavily. Haven't lost any weight in 30 days, but look and feel better. What do we think?
Purple titanium half dollar from fiji
Where are my substances?
I think I Just Solved Life.
Which language has the highest bandwidth?
In god we trust
Look at this toning!
The abacus that was brought to china was CURSED
Which religion is the archetypal number one religion?
Do we have souls?
Groggy mornings every day
Old guy in his Sgt. Peppers phase
Bought my first full tube
DAE prefer PCGS over NGC because of how cheap NGC slabs and labels look?
Idaho Dairymen's Association is Concerned Mass Deportations could impact Business
Would purple be the best color for a Lamborghini? (they both belong to the same owner)
A specific term for the sci fi setting in Logan's Run, The Island, Minority Report and such?
In the Most Untouched, Pristine Parts of the Amazon, Birds Are Dying by the Millions - Scientists May Finally Know Why
Big Toilet Paper Doesn’t Want You to Know About Bidets
I'm so scared to be 19.
What is your opinion on Dracula from Van Helsing?
Which supp gave you good mood/happiness?
Altered perception