The Grimguard bodies scaled down 5% are really a perfect match with Cadian bits
More Austrian Grenadiers!
Terrain is the 3rd army on the battlefield.
317th Cadian Mechanized “Gatekeepers” Squad “Lock”
317th Cadian Mechanized “Gatekeepers” Squad Key
What do you think of my Catachan scheme for the modern Guard? 🌿
First platoon, B company, 195th Cadian Rifles
Some extra shots of Arvus Lighter
Fresh, 5 man squad of Scions ready for the new codex
Wanted to find perfect camo for kasrkin ended up with great project
The Downed Pilot
Quel garniture utiliserez-vous pour des sushis végétariens?
WIP on a ruined building - Any ideas on how to add colour in a modern ruined battlefield
Grass tufts recommendations
My first Guardsman, around my 31st Mini
The humble beginnings of my Rohan forces
Converted the Valkyria Chronicles Edelweiss into a tank for my Imperial Guard army!
Tried my hand at a grimdark Admech. What do you think?
New year - new army! 1st unit done
What do you do with ridiculous amounts of spare parts?
My kitbashed baneblade for my Valhallan ice warriors. Details in comments.
Are these ok looking she'll impact? What could I improve. Btw i never did any model kits before and this is just on an old turret I found.
Second kit painted! How did I do??
Review of Paragon naval task group 2025