Struggling with Acne breakout
Advice: See A Dermatologist if you can!
My Mom was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer at 50.
How do I start writing poetry?
DISTURBING: Chattanooga Attorney Facing Charges Of Sexual Exploitation Of Children
It's my birthday and everyone forgot
Disturbed by what I found on my husband's phone -
Gonna be 19 in a couple of minutes 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🎂🎂🎂🔥🎂🔥🎂🔥🎂🔥🎂🔥🎂
My skin color.
I miss my mom
My boyfriend (38M) told me (30F) a terrible secret that I don't know how to live with, how do I know when to move on from my forever person?
Should I reach out?
today is my bday and im going through a breakup
birthday today
Ok, what is the scariest movie you've ever seen?
What’s the worst experience you’ve had being sick?
Happy birthday to me.
I need someone to vent to.
It’s My Birthday Today! 🎉
guys today is my birthday! goodbye teens hello twenties ❤️
People who are over Thirty, what advice do you have for us who are 20?
My boyfriend(37M) didn’t take me on a date for my birthday(26F). Would anyone else be upset?