What's the best debut album of the 2010's?
I've listened to 300 albums - here are my top 25! Thoughts?
You have $1 to spend. What do you get?
What travis opinion got you like
How do y'all feel about this one?
My painting of Fka Twigz EUSEXUA
My topster. 14 year old boy
is my music taste gay???
grace jones is so sophie coded
currently in a music slump. any thoughts on what I should listen to next?
Apple Music added 4 as an Essential Album in Beyoncé’s Catalog
I knew something like this would happen
Every artist has “that one photo”, what’s Beyoncé’s?
can we talk about this lady reacting to cc for the first time
The Recording Academy wrapped up the debate! Enough with the “stolen win” rhetoric. Go clean your ears!
Age restriction on the CC tour?
Am I right?
Gimme your best beyonce playlist go
Beyoncé and her acts
Record Store Day Number 1 Angel Vinyl release is coming!
Best Self-Titled Albums
Her haters make her stronger
Which 5 Song Track Is Better?
Il mio gusto di succo preferito
Just because an album isn’t important to you…