So where did Kamek go after the opening of Mario Galaxy?
Well guys... it's officially premiering today.
We need minifigures of pedos
[Hated Trope] Plot twists that WOULD have been really cool if they hadn't been spoiled in marketing
I love how they made this AFTER Omegle shut down 😭
[Hated Trope] A villain or jerk comes off as more sympathetic than our "heroes", but that clearly WASN'T the creator's intention
Caleb when Regina was rude to his sister in the Schizophrenia video
they're what?
Villains who’s name leave no doubt they’re evil
Weakest aspect of Phase 1 - 3 is the lack of development for their female characters.
Here we go...
Slow month huh?
When the antagonist is a reflection of what the protagonist could've been
celebrity cameos that age like milk
What is the most unintentionally unsympathetic moment in the show
Sabrina is done for
How everyone was when the DS Lite was released:
so, this exists
How would this couple be written by the Disventure Writers?
Well shit, what is Dhar Mann going to revolve his videos around now?
Round 8! What was the worst thing Erin Hannon did?
Houston, we have a problem....
I want you guys to give me your favorite line from the Starkidd musical Twisted.
Characters begging for forgiveness when they don’t deserve it
Characters from kids media whose names reference things not meant for kids