Hamas suicide bombers
Anyone know where I can find these or similar art that isn't from Temu or Etsy, preferably an actual Mexican artist or seller?
Naaki (Two) by me
Chilkat Tlingit canoe prow effigy depicting Land Otter Man. Chilkat, Alaska, ca. 1825-1875. Cedar wood, human hair, paint, abalone shell, opercula. National Museum of the American Indian collection [6000x4491] [OC]
appreciation for type 8s!
Badass too dark and twisted to talk to a nice blonde
He's not to be messed with guys
Judy Hopps: Language Police
Netherlands has returned a human skull inlaid with mosaic from the national collection of the Wereldmuseum to Mexico.
How can I, as a Native American with a deep ancestral connection to traditional wisdom, further harness and integrate these spiritual gifts to enrich those on a spiritual path?
Is there a way that spirituality can be "pragmatically" explained?
Naaki (Two) by me. IP crashed midway through drawing and glitched part of my drawing so I decided to just make it part of it.
what does this interesting animal encounter mean?