Differences between Deutschland Ticket Jugend and Semester Ticket
Is falafel shawarma widely available in Germany?
[Schalke 04] will wear a special shirt on Sunday's match with the slogan 'Vote for Democracy! Against Racism and Exclusion' (German elections are this Sunday)
Wie sieht die Situation für Latino-Migranten aus?
artisanal guilds or markets in Bavaria or Black Forest?
Free Speech.
How do you find translating compound nouns from your native language Deutsch into English? Eg Eichhörnchen - squirrel?
Do people in Germany even want reforms?
How many hours does your cleaning person take?
How strong is German democracy ?
Why do people overrate the impact of AFD so much?
What's your favourite period in German history that few people know about?
Is laziness at the heart of Germany's economic slump?
Shortest Driving Exam Failure
What are the anti far-right protests really for?
Where are the nicest places to live in Germany?
Sahra Wagenknecht vs. AFD
How do you feel about american war movies, can you enjoy them?
Germany vs LATAM pros and cons
Insect Glaive made me feel like I'm playing the wrong way
Insect glaive mounting
Germans, why is AfD so popular in Germany?
Is Twist a good place ??