The 7 nomination club
Thoughts on Zach Womack?
Unpopular opinion about Sandoval.
Invincible franchise should become the new MCU
Please tell me not all j cole fans think like this.?
Who’s more annoying in the show ?
Opinion on Ariel Contreras-Fox?
Which Survivor contestant is peak man hater?
Who was the best chef(aside from Nick) to not make the final 2?
Did Kelly really do Carl and Debbie wrong?
Which Of These Characters Would You Most Want A Whole Series Revolving Around Them?
Thoughts on Dave Levey?
Danielle's edit (possible spoiler)
Who’s the hottest Challenger?
I liked Ed. Season 7
what’s the worst way s3 could end?
It finally happened
Favorite Maitre D? Jean Felipe, James, or Marino
I don't know if I can get through 2 more seasons of this show
Tonight's play
What’s your favorite and least favorite winner of Hell’s Kitchen?
What if these were the 3 finalists?
why was Fiona mean to Mandy and not Karen?
Am I the only one who's getting Milly vides from Eygpt? 🤔
Who's a Survivor castaway this sub mostly hates/dislikes but you actually kinda like?