ABC’s of Final Destination: L
I'd love another more overly thematic movie (FD3=Carnival/Circus)
Is Gretchen still going to die in the Primary Universe?
I had a fun idea, why don't we try to create our own Final Destination?
Starting with P, what is the best TWDG quote?
Which jokes in the show you found out unfunny?
I'm sorry, you are having 26 kids! Name them from A-Z.
ABC’s of Final Destination: K
Would you watch a TV show adaptation of the game?
What did the doctor say to Rick? (Only wrong answers apply)
I always find it funny that Carter blamed Alex for getting them thrown off the plane like he didn't start a fight with him for no reason
ABC’s of Final Destination: J
Starting with N, what is the best TWDG quote?
ABC’s of Final Destination: I
instead of Christa and Omid taking care of Clementine, what if Carley was her caretaker after Lee? how would Clementine be different from how she is originally?
Starting with M, what is the best TWDG quote?
ABC’s of Final Destination: H
ABC’s of Final Destination: G
ABC’s of Final Destination: F
What movie made you audibly shout, "What the f***?"
The immortality aspect
Last post of the day. Who would be y'alls ideal visionary casting in your very own FD film and why?
Best quotes from each character game! Day 10- What was Puck's best quote?
ABC’s of Final Destination: E
ABC’s of Final Destination: D