Zoom class Exams
And we were STRONGER for it dammit!
What is a dish you “ threw together “ from limited items you had on hand, maybe you were broke, you weren’t sure how it was going to go but your family enjoyed it?
Is it weird/cringey to use your tuition benefit to take undergraduate classes?
Assuming massive cuts, what is your plan B?
Are you friends with your colleagues/coworkers?
Can Students Be Held Accountable for Online Lecture Material?
Green Beer Sunday- What to expect?
Just cancel the classes if the weather is bad.
What’s your guy’s mpg
Just to make you guys up north jealous.
Let the salt flow
The disrespect.
Who Actually needs a UTV??
"Be sure to be act enthusiastic around student families"
Tacoma Winter Performance
Do you have anything from your youth that you still use all the time?
Feels good, man…She’s all mine.
$2.99/lb for brisket a good deal?
2023 Tacoma SR 2WD 2.7L engine
Debating between RWD vs 4x4
Rush as an “acquired taste”?
and In The snow?
Is this enough snow to make the cutoff?
Deere 2720 Rear-view Mirrors Without a Cab?