Wanna have you opinion about that, guys
I don’t give a fuck about how much porn you watch or don’t.
Help! El Chalten to Villa O'Higgins
If you are a man who already has everything they want and need, what kinds of gifts do you love to receive?
Dundalk is the only place I can afford a house, so what do you LIKE about Dundalk?
How did they graduate?
Eric Burlison, the man who wants to federally ban a woman’s right to make her own health decisions
Why is the landlord dressed up as Bacchus?
I ruined my life by seeing a prostitute
Found a fun one for my collection yesterday
Another angle
Are these the Nazis, Walter?
What is it exactly?
Elon Musk Sieg Heiling during his speech
Camping Advice
El Chalten - O’Higgings trek
First time doing tile, how do I get them to be flat/line up?
Has anyone taken the boat to Punta Norte and trekked to Candelario Mancillo in a day? Trying to figure if I can do it in time to catch the boat at 16:30.
Which McCarthy passage makes you emotional?
Still relevant for our Christian Nationalist neighbors
Is there ever gas in Villa Cerro Castillo?
Canada Lawmaker Suggests Letting 3 US States Join, Get Free Health Care
Tips for El Chaltén
Excuse me, dear? The Supreme Court has roundly rejected prior restraint!
Lawyer Steps In When Clients Rights Are Violated