So Leute, was denkt ihr euch aus, um der Wehrpflicht zu entgehen?
Difference taiwanese mandarin vs. simplified mandarin?
Und wieder ist die Linken beim Thema Sicherheit für mich raus.
Will be safe to immigrate to Europe in the future?
Is it normal to accidentally use German word order in your native language at a certain point? 💀
Say no more!
Trump's tariffs send stock market falling
Which countries do you think China has bullied or negatively affected in recent history?
Looking for a radio-synchronized analog wall clock.
Mean while in the EU we can discount our eggs America
Mannheim gegen den Faschismus
Monthly spending in Germany for a student
Küche - Naturstein-Arbeitsplatte
Wohnen im Mikrohaus
aber bitte gutes internet
i never thought germany’s everyday-healthcare is this bad, or how i think people should do medical tourism more
German stickers everywhere?!
US announces heavy tariffs on all chips coming from Taiwan
Cannabiskonsum Verbot
Do german people understand yiddish?
NCCU dorms or off-campus housing?
Are Indians more accepted than Chinese in Germany?
If you're basically non-religious, why are you paying church tax?