When you get into trouble, call mum.
Will be interviewing Chris Bower next week and providing a full breakdown
A guy at the range today told me it's not "Comabat Effective" lol
Ep 511 - FitzDAWG (feat. Greg Fitzsimmons)
NYC homeless man at subway strikes again
Mortal Kombat style lol animation
Joe Rogan's bottom plays with gun
Whitney comments on every one of his skate clips
Tactical reload!
Holy shit love (SipsTea)
Best opening scene in movie history?
Why you shouldn’t slam the door of your Cybertruck
How am I supposed to compete with these prices
What can i do to make this more realistic?
the military is pretty easy 🤷♂️
Tyler, the Creator seemingly just called out Ian in his new interview for appropriation : Not about Kendrick but on message.
Weatherman has panic attack on air and his colleagues handle it well
Local range on a Sunday morning
Haley Joel Osment reacts to Kendrick “Name Dropping” him on Euphoria
Having Shane on the panel for this moment was perfect.
At Costco rn, anyone has tried the Osos vodka? Is really cheap
Reddit needs some water, LUST. edges LOVE. and goes through. What's the best Kendrick song starting with M ? ( Sheesh )
I’m going to need everyone to brace for this one..