Now I know this is wrong, but this totally looks like Ari
I’m Autistic, and People Have Asked Why I Think Gino Might Be on the Spectrum
surgery fail, i feel defeated.
Recc on microwaveable + hot water foods
Can anyone suggest a book I can get for an 11 year old boy that had an impact on you as a kid?
What does everyone who is suffering from this awful disorder do for work?
Has Gino ever acknowledged his constant frown or explained it?
Several knots in right shoulder leading down to my right lower back which is very tight. How can I relieve this?
I lied for 12 years about my identity, but there’s more…
Is there any way you can delete a sideblog when you have signed up with Apple?
Has anyone gotten messages like this?
what does my handwriting say about me?
The painting that started it all
Fantom cramps?
Sides that go with sandwiches?
Ferrous Sulfate?
I can’t find love because of my pcos , hypothyroidism and endometriosis and fat body
Cheap forms of protein
What are you guys watching!?
If modern medicine didn’t exist would you be dead right now? If yes, from what?
withdrawal of concerta
Should i stop taking iron supplements?
How do you deal with eating the same thing after meal/food prepping?
What is the most disturbing and skin-crawling book you have read?