Study spots during Fall break
UCLA FEMBA Specializations
Would anyone be interested in a 70mm IMAX event for Interstellar at CityWalk similar to the one happening in NY?
UCSD hire process
Incomplete didn't process?
can't handle it anymore :(
BIMM 110 with Ella Tour?
Looking for GC for : Chem 40B (Valerie), HDS 171 (Blaise), HDS 1 (Ackerman), and PSYC 168( Chapman)
P/NP Ochem?
Bio & Public Health Double major
Dating while depressed
I feel like I always let others down
What does the meeting type mean?
Anyone see this new white pride insta page its concerning to say the least: whiteatucsd
Katara Ships
P/NP Major classes
College Covid Refund
Freshman Year
anyone know somewhere to sell second hand clothes?
Medical Assistant Certification Programs
Medical Mission Alternatives?
Living in a different college
Do you need to be enrolled in USHIP to utilize CAPS?