my title
The sun did me dirty, is anyone able to Jak this? Thank you
Genart: Image generation with compute shaders and genetic algorithms
Sorry, I just can't take it anymore. 2 days of non stop grind and i'm so tired doing it
Thought it was a curse, turns out my game broke
Peter? What even is this?
youtuber talking about gen alpha starterpack
Dev: Why would you change the dot style?
watching basketball, is this a technical foul?
Help with texture averaging
loser piss towel
No, just no.
losercity name
Slightly shocked by my own intellect, I had just finished commenting "women ☕" under a reddit post and stroked my neckbeard approvingly.
thought of this sub
Golden cookie outcomes are completely predictable—with a little help from the NSA
Hey, Hugh Jas here.. any idea why this guy keeps hanging up on me?
My sister, Reece, laughed and said I couldn't have any of her Reese's Pieces.
things gamers hate
I was born allergic to both doritos and fritos.
consider this